Perceptional leadership for failure

Managing by perception is a "way out" many leaders are falling for but is it good for your reputation as a worthy leader? It is very important that you get your facts straight in order to be considered a good leader.

Article: Managing by perception
  • What is meant by perception management?
  • What is perception checking?
  • Why is poor perception bad for leadership?
  • How do you recognize a leader with poor perception skills?
  • What are the results of poor perceptional leadership?
  • Good leadership perception characteristics
  • Managing by perception - Conclusion

What is meant by perception management?

In layman's terms it is the processing of information by a leader based on communication from employees based on the leader's understanding. They make critical decisions based on this process and if their perception are skewed outcomes will bring negative results.

What is perception checking?

Any good leader will master the art of perception checking. Perception checking comprise 3 basic processes which if applied will come naturally to a good leader.

  • Ask positive questions to clarify communication
  • Look at information at different perspectives
  • Apply different outcomes as part of the solution

To be a good communicator you as a leader should develop skills to master these 3 basic process automatically. Not being able to keep the communication positive can only further damage your perception.

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Why is poor perception bad for leadership?

Often managers move into a leadership role by sheer luck without the opportunity to develop real leadership skills. 

For the individual it is a good fortune but not so much for the team they must lead.

Stepping into the leadership role soon turns into an awakening for the individual as real-life situations present themselves. 

This is where the leader falls apart as his management style will almost certainly be based on perception and personal emotion.

A leader with poor perceptional skills will always end up with negative outcomes.

Leadership requires logical thinking with practical solutions.

How do you recognize a leader with poor perception skills? 

That is the reason organizations put in place policies and procedures as guidelines. To guide the new leader ànd ensure conformity in decision-making processes. 

Unfortunately, leaders who did not gain the right skills on their way up often ignore these rules and make up their own as they go.

This is where perception becomes a way out for the inexperienced manager. You can identify this management style when you observe:
  • Refusal to take advice from team members being a know-all
  • Autocratic behaviour believing no one else has a right to an opinion
  • Snap decision-making without knowing all the facts
  • Overreact in order to drive an initiative
  • Fear of missing out that borders on an inferior complex
  • Knows little but possesses the gift of the gab
  • Reacts to rumours without verifying facts
  • Never apologize for mistakes
  • Responds to gossip and grapevine instantly
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What are the results of poor perceptional leadership?

Recognizable features of an organization run by leaders who manage by poor perception are:
  • Disengaged employees
  • High labour turnover
  • Lack of trust in leadership
  • Failing processes
  • Uncertainty about expectations from employees

Disengaged employees

Employees refrain from communicating with this type of leader as they do not feel their input is valued or taken as being honest. Soon you will have to rely more and more on your own perception and if it is already of poor quality, it will put more pressure on yourself and the workforce.

High Labour Turnover

Nobody wants to work for a leader with these type of attributes and employees will move on to where they feel more valued.

Lack of trust in leadership

Because of poor perception leadership decisions and outcomes will always be based on what the leader thinks. Employees will soon take this as dictatorship and question every decision made by you.

Failing processes

Processes fail because it is based on poor leadership perception and not always the most practical.

Uncertainty about expectations from employees

If you are this type if leader you will never be sure how your employees will react or execute tasks because they know fully that your decision was not the correct one. They will follow instruction but not take responsibility for the outcome.

Good leadership perception characteristics

History has shown that great leaders are those who surround themselves with people that can provide them with the information they need to lead effectively.

Great leaders are also people who can listen attentively, analyze information correctly, and know how to apply this information in their decision-making process.

This type of leader has the following characteristics:
  • Listens to staff when they communicate
  • Gather more information when in doubt
  • Knowledgeable in organizational processes
  • Has great decision-making skills
  • Leaves emotion out of the decision making
  • Keep employees engaged by having set goals in place

Managing by perception - Conclusion

If your perceptional skills up to scratch, it will make life difficult for you as a leader of people.

It will have a severe impact on your other leadership skills even if that is on par with good leadership qualities. Developing perceptional skills will enhance and solidify the other skills you need to be a strong leader.