Learn to step into management

Taking charge of your team


Did the time arrive where you got the promotion and now you need to step up from a team player to a leadership role in management?

Are you finding it difficult to take charge of your teammates?

Congratulations you have taken the next step in your career and must now deal with it.

For some, there is nothing more difficult than to take charge of those who were their equals all along especially if it is unexpected.

Do you find it difficult to step up from being a team member to managing the team?

You worked hard all your life and then eventually you get the opportunity to move into management but can you make that important step all by yourself.

Are you ready to take charge of your team?

At this stage of your life, it is obvious that somebody has recognized certain skills that you possess in order to become a manager and a leader of the team.

Taking the step up also does not come from being idle and you must have done something right to deserve this.

Never doubt yourself is all it takes is a bit of guidance and how to apply the laws of management instead of just taking instruction.

Some of us are fortunate and have a role model within the organization who will take care of guiding us through this transition.

But before you even switch roles know this - You worked for it and deserve it so whoever cannot accept this - tough for them.

Switching gears in life and into management

From now on you need to switch gears as it is all performance-based and whatever you do will be scrutinized from both the top and bottom levels of the organization.

It is important that your mental state is switched on to perform and to take ownership of your actions. Taking on the new responsibility must be a challenge that you are willing to take head-on.

Your strong mind and energy are what will motivate former team members to follow and assist you in achieving common goals. If not, it is time to decide if you need friends like that.

Friends, you have who cannot accept your success will have to be left behind as their negativity will influence your decision-making as a leader.

Recognizing the true friends that surround you

It is time that you recognize the friends in your friendship circle as individuals by aligning yourself with those that have positive energy.

The common friendship types you will find in the workplace are:

  • Those with mutual social interests
  • People with the same business aspirations
  • Friends who like to have you around for their own benefit
  • People who look up to you as a natural leader
  • Not uncommon these days are friends who are related by family association

Picking your real friends from the crowd is easier than you think if you focus on what is best for you.

Those with only mutual social interest are not friends but work colleagues.

Everyone surrounding you will have some common interest but it does not make you lifelong friends.

It is good to have friends with the same business aspirations as it will keep you motivated and focused on what you want in life for yourself.

Don't take these friends as the competition but rather remain close as these types of friends will normally end up successful together in the long run.

There are many friends in your circle who will have you only for their own benefit.

Either for the sake of having someone to control or to mask their own inefficiencies.

Dump them right now it's baggage you don't need.

The people who already look up to you as a leader will remain with you but as work colleagues and not really friends.

Friendship might develop if you prove to be a good leader and develop those around you into leaders themselves. Take them on your journey to success.

Finally, if you are unlucky you might have family or friends of the family working with you.

They must remain just that in the work environment and if they don't come to terms with that they will move on soon.

Stepping up into management - Summary

To get out of the "worker groove" into leadership we must understand that we are doing it for ourselves and not for anyone else.

Your success will affect more people in the long term as a leader but not so much if you are too scared to take the leap.

Stepping up from a team player into a leadership role can take time but your problems must be overcome quickly or you will fail in your role and unfortunately, you are now in dog eat dog territory.

develop your management skills